ESP (Energy Skills Partnership) is the college sector agency in Scotland for energy transition, zero carbon transport, engineering, construction and STEM whilst leading on the Climate Emergency Skills Action Plan.
Our vision is of a college sector working in partnership with Government, agencies and industry to meet national and regional skills needs, maximising investment and job opportunities aligned with emerging technologies, the Climate Emergency and the Just Transition to Net Zero.

Our Aims
Engage & Influence
Engage and influence government, agencies, strategic groups and industry to continuously monitor policy developments which impact our sectors, allowing us to engage and respond and represent college interests.
• Interface with government and agencies.
• Engage with industry and sector bodies.
• Influence & support developments across Scotland’s colleges.
• Respond to stakeholders’ ambitions for energy, engineering, construction and STEM.
• Support and maximise economic benefit and job opportunities.
Capability & Capacity
Work with member colleges to increase capability and capacity to support innovation and collaboration across existing and emerging technologies. We secure funds to allow provision of college staff CPD, development of curriculum and investment in capital equipment where there is an identified need.
• To position colleges at the forefront of curriculum developments.
• Support and enable innovation in education.
• Develop curriculum pathways for transition to net zero.
• Promote and deliver STEM activities.
• Lead on collaborative approaches for cross college working.
• Coordinate a cross college approach securing capital equipment and learning resources.
• Provide strategic direction for college staff.
Partnership & Collaboration
Foster strategic partnerships and collaborations through M.O.U's and membership of key public sector and industry stakeholder groups and work with awarding bodies to ensure national and regional skills & needs are met.
• Work with industry to ensure a national approach for future skills demands.
• To be a partner of choice.
• Raise awareness and profile of ESP and college activity.