ESP is instrumental in promoting sector recruitment and attractiveness for our key sectors and STEM in partnership with our college members, agencies and industry.
Additionally, ESP convenes the STEM Leads’ Forum to share and develop a supporting action plan and share best practice in support of the regional strategies and action plans.
This has resulted in colleges having a lead role in facilitating the Regional STEM Partnerships and a numbers of targeted events, webinars and online resources
With the support of the members of the Regional STEM Partnerships, STEM activities are now available in all regions of Scotland.

In line with the Scottish Government’s STEM Education and Training Strategy, thirteen regional STEM partnerships were established across Scotland. The partnerships are led by colleges but all work is undertaken collaboratively by the partnership members which should include (but not exhaustively), SDS, DYW, local authorities, universities, education leads and industry partners. The remit of the partnerships is to develop local STEM strategies and action plans in line with the national guidance. These plans should link to regional industry’s skills needs. All engagement data should be recorded and activities formally evaluated.
We have developed a number of strategic partnerships with a range of organisations, including;