STEM – Resources
ESP have created this webpage to provide a single portal to highlight a variety of our partners’ free STEM activities and resources which are aimed at pupils from 4 to 17 years of age. New activities will be added to this page when available.
Useful STEM Links
CREST AWARDS – Science-based activities that can be completed at home with resources aimed at primary and secondary level.
Education Scotland – A webpage of STEM educational resources.
SCDI STEM Resources – Downloadable resources from The Scottish Council for Development and Industry (SCDI).
RHET Resource Portal – Discover a range of resources and links to support your food, farming and STEM delivery at all CfE levels as well as opportunities to link to DYW.
K’NEXT Generation – CfE-linked STEAM* Resources provided by Scotland’s K’NEX Training Consultant
UK Space Education and Resource Office – Helping schools, colleges and families use the context of space to inspire and engage young people