ESP have collated a number of flexible and online STEM activities and resources available to support children and families who are home learning. New activities will be added to this page when available.
STEM Activities for Young People

STEM Learning has collated a wide range of activities to support families who are home learning, including science, maths, computing and design & technology, with pdf worksheets to download.

Design & Technology

Hopefully Nothing Goes Boom! is a project started by me (Phil) aiming to share easy-to-do-at-home experiments with you the reader. I’m hoping that parents, students, young people and the generally curious can find something of interest. I’m going to try and back it up with an in-depth explanation of the theory along the methods too so we can all learn about what’s going on and hopefully, nothing goes boom!

The Institution of Engineering and Technology has a range of resources for 5-11 year olds.
Virtual Faraday Challenge – Open for anyone between 7 to 15 years, young people can do this at home, in school, individually or as a group or family.

The Institution of Mechanical Engineers’ STEM Activities at Home page provides a range of practical activities to do with simple resources that you might have at home

The Royal Institution ExpeRimental is a series of short films making it fun easy and cheap to do science experiments at home with your children.
The Royal Institution’s famous CHRISTMAS LECTURES cover a wide range of science topics for children and young people and hundreds are available online.

SSERC provides a range of STEM learning resources for the early Years and primary.

bpES brings real-world science to life with inspiring curriculum-based content for 4 to 19 year olds. Free to access, open to everyone.

Enhance your science teaching and get your pupils thinking like scientists!

The Royal Society of Chemistry’s Learning at Home Resources grouped by age range that are updated every Wednesday.

SSERC provides a range of STEM learning resources for young people aged 11-16 years organised by subject.

The Institution of Engineering and Technology has a range of resources for 11-16 year olds.
Virtual Faraday Challenge – Open for anyone between 7 to 15 years, young people can do this at home, in school, individually or as a group or family.

The Institution of Mechanical Engineers’ STEM Activities at Home page provides a range of practical activities to do with simple resources that you might have at home

Whistling Waveforms – In this activity, students download an oscilloscope app onto a laptop or phone to investigate pitch and loudness. You can use it to introduce waveforms of sounds.

Dundee Science Centre Home Learning Portal
Provides 12 study topics and also a summer holiday programme with a different theme each week. The downloadable resources provide fun science activities which can be done at home.
Careers Resources

The Tomorrow’s Engineers website provides a range of careers activities and resources to help young people to learn more about the wide range of careers in engineering and to find careers paths that match their interests.

The Royal Institution’s YouTube Channel provides access to a range of lectures and video content covering a wide range of science topics.
The Royal Institution’s famous CHRISTMAS LECTURES cover a wide range of science topics for children and young people and hundreds are available online.

1851 Trust’s STEM Crew provides a wide range of resources, including worksheets, videos and activities all linked to sailing and the British America’s Cup team.
Daily Lessons and activities

The BBC has launched Bitesize Daily programme on available via BBC iPlayer and on a TV via the Red Button. The 20 minute TV shows cover core subjects for 5-15 year olds including maths, geography, science (for 5-11 year olds) and separate physics, chemistry and biology (for 11-15 year olds).

Glasgow Science Centre GSC at Home Daily at 10:00 on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

Go live with Maddie and Greg! – Big Bang Competition hosts Maddie Moate and Greg Foot are broadcasting a daily live STEM based family show every weekday on YouTube. Once the show is over it can be watched on demand on Maddie’s channel. It’s packed with fun facts, entertaining projects, things to make and do at home and plenty of STEM inspiration. WATCH NOW!